
Published on 22 October 2020 at 15:28

Here's Karim 1st Interview with the Polish Black Metallers called Hegeroth.

-Welcome Guys, do you have time for a short chat to introduce your band to us?

Bene: Thanks a lot for inviting us to talk. We play Black Metal. At the beginning with symphonic elements; from the second album with a classical guitar line up. The premiere of our third album 'Perfidia' will take place on November 19th.

-You guys are coming from Poland and were formed in the year 2010. How did things started?

Bene: In the 1990s some of us played in the band Mortifer and then Mohortum. After these bands broke up, a few years passed and we started to miss making music, playing rehearsals and giving concerts. We organized a rehearsal room, equipment and that's how it started.

Bila: From the very beginning we were creative: we tried to record vocals in the washing machine for a deeper reverb or, on the contrary, in a wardrobe, dampened by us. There were times when there wasn't much money; it was the time of fun and true energy :)

-What are the main influences of 'Hegeroth', musically and lyrically?

Bene: I can say that the bands that stimulate my imagination the most, are those that are difficult to classify in one genre. These are bands like: Old Man's Child and Edge Of Sanity. Also listening to contemporary music, for example Penderecki, Prokofiev, Stravinsky. And jazz inspires me too.

Bila: Metallica was the band that changed me, as did Sepultura or Cradle Of Filth. But the truth is: I like every kind of music I can understand.

Edward: There are so many musical inspirations, that it is not possible to list them all, so I will not give concrete examples here. As far as the lyrical sphere is concerned, my lyrics are naturally inspired by life and what surrounds us. And as we are surrounded by an ubiquitous church in our country Poland [very present in everyday life, edit.], I decided to give it some of my thoughts this time and thus spill some of the venom lying in my guts on it. Naturally it is nothing original in Black Metal, but I have never tried to be original: I write what I feel; I scream about what hurts me.

 -How often do you play gigs usually (pre-Covid-19) and how is it like to release an album during the Covid-19-era? I ask you this, because it really seems a hard job to promote your music at the moment and sell your album to the fans during the concerts.

Bene: To be honest: playing concerts for a band like Hegeroth was not easy before the covid era. It wasn't easy to catch up on playing live. The concerts were usually fully staffed. We can say that once every two months, we managed to play. It was good. 

Bila: Just like most bands, we would like to present our music live. It's great to see, how people react while we play. It's a kind of a specific relationship. But now we have to be patient. We have no choice. We will see, what the future will bring.

-It seems some of you guys are or were also active in other acts. Can you please tell us more about it?

Bila: I always cooperate with Bene in making music. Yes, there were some previous projects during my studies, but these can be considered a joke. But to tell you the truth, it all started in Mortifer. Now we are creating Hegeroth and HexHorn simultaneously. Hexhorn illustrates our liking for old school Thrash/Death.

Edward: As Bila mentioned, we co-create HexHorn, where we try to record a little different music: Death Metal with elements of Thrash, which is great fun for us.

Together with Hegeroth former keyboardist (Tailheg) and Dybuk, I also released an album as part of the gothic metal project Cult ov Mora, of which I am very proud.

-My final questions to you guys! Are you satisfied about the result of your latest album and what are your future plans as a band?

Bene: We recorded and produced all Hegeroth-releases ourselves. With this approach, if you don't rush the time in the studio, you can make it happen being satisfied. Of course, after years we have some small doubts about some arrangement solutions, but in general - it may not sound modest: we are satisfied with all our releases. And the last one is the best; we encourage you to listen and evaluate it.

Bila: I agree with Bene. Always you can find something to improve. If you might be satisfied with the riff, then it turns out that the sound needs to be corrected. That's why after finishing work on the project, I like to forget about it for a while. After a short break I am always happy with what we have done.

What about the future? I don't know. After every hard work on finishing the album I feel completely empty and am afraid I won't have any ideas for new riffs. But then it happens, that ideas come and we come back to the game :)

Bene: Let everyone speak for themselves :) but I always have some ideas for riffs, and in fact - even if I don't have one - I still try to record something and while recording or developing it, there comes another one and it's always going on.

Edward: Thank you very much for interviewing us. We hope that our music will appeal to the readers. See you on stage, when it all comes back to normality. Stay heavy and horns up.

-Dragontail666 Karim-

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