Case 39

Published on 25 January 2022 at 10:05

Case 39


Fucked Up!


Against PR: 2022


The three-piece German heavy rockers Case 39 have a real obsession with two bands from the past: Motörhead and Rose Tattoo. What they have to offer on this album is right in between those two, so much so that it distracts from having a proper listen to how the band is doing musically. So once the novelty has worn off and you start to do just that, you find that this is quite a pleasant album.


It's not Fucked Up! at all, it has just that kind of vibe that has you nodding your head and wondering if these guys can deliver this live. They'd probably be sensational if they can. The audience would have a field day. So musically they are alright. The voice is another matter, as even though it doesn't bother me (I have grown to like it), the gravelly voice will not be for everyone.


If you do like what this review says, have a good listen. And when you're still interested afterwards and you wish to acquire Case 39 music physically, just go to their website. They have the CDs on offer for very reasonable prices. Get it while it's hot!


MetalWim van Grunsven


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